Parcel tongue
Parcel tongue

Most verbs in the indicative begin with a stop, but it is typically underspecified. Clicks may be nasalized by a preceding nasal consonant. These are all written as digraphs and function like affricates. Stops may be glottalized by subsequent glottal stops, or aspirated by subsequent glottal fricatives. Parseltongue is characterized by its lacking of voicing and lack of labializing. Given the small number of speakers, this drift is assumed to be very small and gradual. In Sapir's terminology, there is only short-term unidirectional drift, not long-term cyclic drift. The language is magically maintained among all speakers and updates itself, however slowly. All over the world, Parselmouths, Snake-animagi, and sentient snake-like creatures all speak the same version of the language, without being in physical contact. It bears many strong resemblances to languages from Africa and India, both areas with long histories of human-snake interaction.

parcel tongue

Parseltongue itself seems to be a magically generated amalgam created by magic from the minds of speakers. This snake is then able to articulate speech and hear the Parselmouth, both of which are otherwise physically impossible. This ability requires no conscious attention by the wizard or witch, but seemingly adds a layer of "pseudo-consciousnes" to the snake with whom they are speaking. On the other hand, it is a magical ability possessed by only a minuscule fraction of the wizarding community. On the one hand, Parseltongue is like any other language that human beings may study and learn.

parcel tongue

There are rumors of a completely distinct second Parseltongue language in Sri Lanka. To date, we have only found one conscious snake to interview, though communities of Parselmouths have been found in Estonia and Bukina-Fasa. After the worldwide rediscovery of magic (hidden since 1692) and the creation of the Ministry of Muggle Relations, our department was given a grant to study Parseltongue and Parselmouths. He subsequently lost this magical ability. He never learned any vocabulary or grammar, but was able to produce novel utterance, even with derived morphologies. In the 1990's, the now-famous Harry Potter discovered that he was a Parselmouth (a wizard with the unconscious, magical ability to speak to snakes).

parcel tongue

He had no explanation for the phenomenon and made no attempt to document its simple existence. On accident, he discovered he could speak to snakes. Paracelsus (1493-1541), was an Austrian physician, born Phillip Von Hohenheim.

Parcel tongue